
Reasonable Adjustments Policy

1. Purpose and Scope

Mums in Science Ltd recognizes its duty under the Equality Act 2010 to ensure no learner is disadvantaged by any disability or difficulty. This policy describes how we will make reasonable adjustments and grant special considerations (when appropriate) so all learners have a fair chance to access and complete our training programs.

2. Aims and Objectives

  • Fair Access
    Provide open, equitable access to all eligible learners, without compromising the integrity of the training or assessment.
  • Compliance
    Fulfill our legal obligations under the Equality Act 2010 by preventing any learner from being substantially disadvantaged compared to their peers.
  • Quality Assurance
    Maintain the reliability and validity of all learning outcomes, ensuring any adjustments do not undermine assessment standards.

3. Reasonable Adjustments

3.1 Definition

A reasonable adjustment is a modification that reduces the impact of a learner’s disability or difficulty, placing them on an equal footing with others. These adjustments must:

  • Be arranged and approved before assessments or learning begin.
  • Not reduce the quality or reliability of the training outcomes.
  • Not grant the learner an unfair advantage over others.

3.2 Possible Adjustments

Examples of reasonable adjustments include (but are not limited to):

  • Adjustments to Online Learning: Screen readers, adjustable display settings, or guidance on assistive speech technology.
  • Physical or Logistical Adaptations: Accessible seating, adapted materials (e.g., large-print or colored paper), quieter rooms, or better lighting.
  • Assistive Tools: Approved mechanical and electronic aids, assistive software, low-vision aids, or British Sign Language interpretation.
  • Human Assistance: Scribes, note-takers, or specific supportive roles during learning/assessments.

3.3 Scope and Limitations

  • Adjustments are not applicable for “licence to practice” programs where a learner must demonstrate practical skills without modification.
  • Each learner’s situation is considered individually, as not all learning events or assessments require the same adjustments.

4. Special Considerations

4.1 Definition

A special consideration is a minor adjustment given during or after an event to address an unforeseen, temporary situation outside the learner’s control (e.g., illness, injury, bereavement). Special considerations:

  • Cannot completely remove the difficulties faced.
  • Must not jeopardize the integrity of the assessment.
  • May not apply to situations where practical skills must be demonstrated or where a “licence to practice” is required.

4.2 Eligibility Examples

Learners may be eligible for a special consideration if:

  • They were affected by significant external factors (e.g., recent illness, accident, or bereavement) that impaired their performance.
  • Agreed alternative arrangements were insufficient or inappropriate.
  • Part of an assessment was missed due to unforeseeable and uncontrollable circumstances.

4.3 Non-Eligibility Examples

A learner would not be eligible for special consideration if:

  • They were unaffected at the time of assessment by the stated circumstance.
  • Their absence or missed portion was due to personal events (e.g., vacations).
  • There were only minor disturbances (e.g., routine building work) that did not materially impact performance.

5. Request Process

5.1 Submitting Requests

  • Reasonable Adjustments: Requests must be submitted within 7 days of registration/booking or at least 28 working days before any assessment/classroom event.
  • Special Considerations: Requests should be made within 7 days of the relevant event or assessment date.

5.2 Approval Criteria

Mums in Science Ltd will approve reasonable adjustments or special considerations only if they:

  1. Do not compromise the quality or reliability of the learning.
  2. Do not give the learner an unfair advantage.
  3. Do not compromise the integrity of the final assessment outcome.

5.3 Documentation

All requests must be backed by suitable documentation. For each learner needing an adjustment or special consideration, a separate application must be made.

6. Policy Governance

  • This policy has been approved by Mums in Science Ltd and will be reviewed periodically to ensure compliance with relevant legislation and best practices.
  • For questions or concerns about reasonable adjustments or special considerations, please contact Mums in Science Ltd as soon as possible.

Mums in Science Ltd is committed to creating an inclusive environment. By responsibly implementing reasonable adjustments and special considerations, we ensure every learner can demonstrate their true competence without compromising the quality and integrity of our training programs.

Mums In Science© Ltd registered in England and Wales. Company Number: 14418391. Registered Office: 7a High Street, Barnet, Herts, EN5 5UE.
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