
Complaints Policy

1. Purpose and Scope

1.1 This policy outlines the formal complaints procedure and ensures that all complaints are handled fairly, consistently, and, wherever possible, resolved to the complainant’s satisfaction.
1.2 It applies to all participants, staff, volunteers, contractors, and any other stakeholders involved in our activities, events, or services.

2. Definitions

  • Complaint: An expression of dissatisfaction about any aspect of our organization’s activities, services, or conduct that requires a response or resolution.
  • Complainant: The individual or group who raises the complaint.
  • Respondent: The individual(s) or department(s) that is the subject of the complaint.

3. Guiding Principles

3.1 Fairness and Impartiality: All complaints will be addressed objectively and without bias.
3.2 Transparency: Information about the complaints process will be easily accessible, and the complainant will be kept informed of progress.
3.3 Confidentiality: Complaints will be handled with respect for confidentiality, sharing information only with those who need it to resolve the complaint.
3.4 Timeliness: We will endeavor to handle complaints promptly, aiming to reach a resolution within the timeframes set out in this policy.
3.5 Continuous Improvement: We will record and analyze complaints data to identify trends, improve processes, and reduce the likelihood of recurring issues.

4. How to Make a Complaint

4.1 Informal Resolution

  • a. In the first instance, if you feel comfortable doing so, please try to resolve the issue directly by speaking to the relevant individual or contacting an appropriate staff member.
  • b. Many complaints can be resolved quickly and informally when concerns are raised promptly.

4.2 Formal Complaint

  • a. If an issue cannot be resolved informally or the complainant does not feel informal resolution is appropriate, a formal complaint can be lodged.
  • b. To submit a formal complaint, the complainant should provide:
    • Their name and contact details (email, phone, etc.)
    • Clear details of the complaint (including relevant dates, times, names, and any supporting evidence)
    • The resolution or outcome they are seeking (if known)
  • c. Complaints can be submitted via [email protected]

5. Acknowledging and Logging Complaints

5.1 Acknowledgement: We will acknowledge receipt of a formal complaint in writing (by email or letter) within 7 working days. This acknowledgment will include:

  • A unique reference number (if used)
  • The name and contact details of the individual assigned to investigate or coordinate the response
  • An outline of the investigation process and the expected timeframe for resolution

5.2 Logging: All formal complaints will be recorded in a complaints register or system for tracking and quality assurance purposes.

6. Investigation and Resolution

6.1 Investigation

  • a. An impartial person (or team) will be assigned to investigate the complaint.
  • b. The investigator may interview relevant parties, review documentation, or seek additional evidence.
  • c. The investigator will remain objective and respect confidentiality throughout the process.

6.2 Outcome

  • a. Once the investigation is complete, we will provide a written response to the complainant, typically within 7 working days. This response will include:
    • A summary of the issues raised
    • An explanation of how the investigation was conducted
    • The outcome of the complaint (upheld, partially upheld, or not upheld), with reasons
    • Any actions taken or proposed to resolve the complaint
    • Any further appeal or review options, if the complainant remains dissatisfied
  • b. If more time is needed to complete the investigation, we will notify the complainant of revised timelines.

7. Appeals or Further Steps

7.1 If the complainant is dissatisfied with the outcome or the way the complaint was handled, they can request a review or submit an appeal to a more senior decision-maker within 7 working days of receiving the decision.
7.2 The review process will focus on whether the initial investigation followed correct procedures and whether the outcome was fair and proportionate.

8. Anonymous Complaints

8.1 While anonymous complaints are more challenging to investigate thoroughly, they will still be logged and reviewed if enough information is provided to allow for meaningful action.

9. Malicious or Vexatious Complaints

9.1 Where a complaint is found to be malicious or vexatious, we reserve the right to discontinue investigation and take any appropriate action.
9.2 Complaints shown to have been made in bad faith or with an intent to harass may lead to disciplinary or other actions, where applicable.

10. Record Keeping and Monitoring

10.1 We will maintain records of all formal complaints, including correspondence and the final outcomes, for a minimum period of 5 years.
10.2 Complaints data will be reviewed periodically to monitor trends and improve our services, events, or processes.

11. Policy Review

11.1 This Complaints Policy is reviewed regularly (at least annually or in response to relevant changes in legislation/regulations) to ensure its continued effectiveness. Any updates will be communicated to participants and made readily available.

Mums In Science© Ltd registered in England and Wales. Company Number: 14418391. Registered Office: 7a High Street, Barnet, Herts, EN5 5UE.
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