How would it feel for you to be able to enjoy and cherish the last part of your maternity leave, knowing you will be returning to work shortly and can spend this time making precious memories? I have been in your shoes getting ready to head back to the workplace, and know how it feels…overwhelming, stressful and nerve wracking. So many questions around how to know what are the right decisions for you and your family and mum guilt kicks in!
Imagine for a moment getting excited about the return to work and embarking on this new chapter and journey in your life. You deserve to be happy, feel fulfilled and enjoy all elements in your life and retuning to work should be one of them.
I invite you to ditch the infamous “working mum’s guilt” once and for all and join me on my session to hear the Three Secrets to a Confident Returnity.” Nicki Young, Maternity Coach
The Mums In Science Community Network